Directed by Janaina Moraes, 2019
Role: performer and videomaker
Diaita, stemming from the 2019 ALIMENTANÇA Artistic Residency, is a unique blend of dinner and performance. Born as a site-specific project, it reconfigures spaces, culminating in a residency at Canteiro Central. Across four dates in July 2019, Diaita immersed audiences in poetic and culinary explorations, challenging traditional views of dance and nutrition. The project, featuring performers from diverse artistic backgrounds, explores the intersections of body and food with a focus on holistic pleasure.
Performance - Bruna Lamounier, Igor Passos, IBeatriz Santana (Ingrid Beatriz), Janaína Moraes, Leonardo Rodrigues, and Samuel Mairon Video Performance - Amanda Lisboa, Fany Magalhães, Janaína Moraes, and Leonardo Rodrigues Soundtrack - Lucas Mattoso Lighting - Octávio Vilaronga and Shirley Araújo Nutritional Guidance - Amanda Lisboa Guest Chefs - Luciane Santos, Tiago Cotta, Chidera Ifeanyi, Tássia Vitória Production - Giovana Lisboa / Ivana Motta Executive Production - Giovana Lisboa